New Beginnings

New Beginnings tells the heartfelt story of Maria Hibbert, who is grappling with the devastating loss of her son Evan to cancer. In the midst of her grief, Maria encounters Adam, a mysterious young boy who sparks an unexpected bond.

As Maria navigates her own emotional turmoil, she discovers that Adam, homeless and alone, is in desperate need of compassion and care. Explore how, through their shared journey, they both find solace and renewal in each other’s company.


New Beginnings tells the heartfelt story of Maria Hibbert, who is grappling with the devastating loss of her son Evan to cancer. In the midst of her grief, Maria encounters Adam, a mysterious young boy who sparks an unexpected bond.

As Maria navigates her own emotional turmoil, she discovers that Adam, homeless and alone, is in desperate need of compassion and care. Explore how, through their shared journey, they both find solace and renewal in each other’s company.


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